This idea is true. I'm an independent researcher and I have discovered and developed an algorithm of Light with which we can build quantum devices and even simulate the brain. This algorithm is the secret you speak about. I wrote about it on medium but nobody seems to believe my work.


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Evolution specialists now consider that life and consciousness are not a subject of matter but of organization. Its 4 pillars are: variation, replication, filiation, selection. These notions do not refer to any matter in particular, only algorithms that generate complexity. We can therefore say that the substrate of life and consciousness is… information organized in a particularly complex way. The quantum level forms the basis of this complexity. This is where the laws are very simple, ideal… divine. To use your analogy of the Gnostic Jesus, being alive and conscious is not tending towards the divine but leaving it. Making things less simple…

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I like this approach !!!

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Yeah exactly, it's all materialism's fault! Ideas once implemented / materialized generate a lot of errors and become ugly. There once was a debate about "materialism" and "idealism". Those who pursue excessive material life tend to be corrupt.

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Surely if the math for describing type 1 thinking is the same as quantum stuff, then we’re already encoding something resembling a wave function into complex systems anyways.

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